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An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Friday, April 26, 2013

4th grade unit 10 Birthday, Teaching songs,

Esra SEN
Grade 4
Unit 10 Birthday
Language Point: It is my birthday. I am seven years old.
Vocabulary Point: Words which is used in a birthday party such as cake balloon plate candle…

By David BD
A Card A Balloon A present  and A Hat
A Cake with Candle on the mat
A Biscuit A Sandwich A Cup and A Plate
Come to the party dont be late

Activity: Finding the unrelated items
Aim: Aim of this activity is to raise student awareness about the vocabularies they are going to hear in the song. This activity also aims to motivate students for  the lesson because using songs is enjoyable and interesting way of engaging students interests.
Materials: Song, 20 Balloons ( Ten balloon has the words which is used in the song on it and Ten Balloon has the words which is not used in the song.)

         Teacher makes two group from the students
          Each group select five person to choose the words which is used in the song
           Choosen students comes to the board and blows up one balloon with needle
          students look the card in the  balloon after  blowing up the balloon if it is true the card is blue and the group gets one point If it is wrong the cars is red and the goup cant get point
·         The group which gets more point wins

by Richard Graham
 It is my birthday today
It is your birthday today
It is my birthday today
Happy birthday Janny

One two three four
Five Six seven years old
Now I am seven years old
Now you are seven years old
Now I am seven years old

Activity: Listening to the song, singing the song
Aim:  Aim of this activity is to present new language in an enjoyable way.  It also aims to develop listening, speaking and pronunciation skills. They learn how to work in a collaborative way.  Students’ learning will be more permanent.
Materials:  Song
         Students listen to the song (twice)
         after listening to the song, teacher asks questions about the song (Did you like it? Would you like to listen to once more? What is it about?  What’s your favorite lesson?)
         Students and teacher listen to the song once more and sing together with the non*word song
Activity: Creating song
Aim: Aim of this activity is to help students to use the language they have learned for communicative purposes.
Materials:  Word which is used both two songs
Teacher makes students five group
·         Teacher gives students words from the songs (Birthday, cake, balloon, I am, seven, eight nine, years old, my birthday, happy)
·         Teacher wants students to make song using given words but each student in the group will write at least one sentences with the given words
·         After students make their song, teacher wants from the groups sing their song together
·          Groups sings their songs and students choose the best song and sing the song all together

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