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Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5th Grade Unit 6 Physical Education Songs Activities

                                                      SEMA BEŞİKCİ
                            SONG LESSON PLAN
LESSON PLAN                                                                                  
Grade/Unit: 5th Grade- Unit 6
Language point: Physical Education (Abilities “can”, “can’t”)
Materials: A video about the subject, pictures related to subject.

A video: 



Activity: Listen and do
Aims: To attract students’ attention.
           To introduce new grammatical structure and vocabulary.
           To provide enjoyable environment.
           To improve students’ pronunciation.
           To develop students’ positive attitudes toward English.
           To encourage students’ feeling of achievement.
           To develop a class and group identity.
           To involve students in music activity.
           To teach pronunciation and intonation.
     The teacher enters the classroom with some pictures. She/he says “Hello” and asks “How are you?” Then the teacher says that “I will show you a video one time then we will watch video again, but this time we will say together”. Then they watch video and then students stand up and act the video out with teachernamely, the students use their gestures mimes, and the teacher uses,too and they sing the song together.
Activity  :  Write and Sing
Aims: To make the lesson enjoyable and memorable
            To involve students in lesson and activity.
There are also other pictures apart from those in the song. The teacher sticks the pictures on the board and asks students to come to board and write a sentence about the picture such as “Baby elephant can sleep” and the teacher ask students “Who wants to come?”, and the student ,coming to the board, sing the clause which he/she writes. The teacher reminds students the words which they have already learnt, so the students practice the words they have learnt. The students can write the clauses according to song/video or according to pictures.

Activity: Write a song; and sing and act out the song

Aims: To encourage students to use their mimes, gestures.
           To make students write a song.
           To participate students in producing the language.
Procedure:The teacher divides the classroom into groups. The teacher asks students to produce a song. A song can be about pictures or can be about what they can do or what they can’t do, and the students should act the song out that they produce, for example if they say  “A crocodile can swim”, they should act like they are swimming. The teacher gives enough time to students to prepare. When all groups finish the song they come and sing their group’s song and act out. After all groups present their song, the activity and lesson finishes. The teacher thanks all students for their participation.

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