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An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Saturday, May 4, 2013

5th grade unit 4 song lesson plan



LANGUAGE FOCUS: Teaching simple classroom objects and rules via a song.

·         To  get  students attention
·         To change the mood of the classroom
·         To develop positive attitude towards the target language
·         To warm students for  the lesson
·         To make the lesson more enjoyable and interesting
·         To  activate their schemata
·         To remind them vocabulary and imperatives
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation

Activity: Asking and Answering Questions
Procedure: After greeting the students teacher starts the lesson by asking some questions such as Do you remember classroom objects and rules? What are our classroom rules? What have you got in your school bag? Etc. Then, she asks whether they like listening to song or not. She says they will listen to a song and wants them to predict what the song is about. After discussing these questions she shows a PowerPoint Presentation about some of the classroom objects and rules and introduces them to the class.

·         To present familiar language in a new form
·         To provide lots of natural and enjoyable repetition
·         To develop their all skills in an integrated way
·         To practice language
·         To help students develop listening habit and concentration

Activity 1: Listening to the song and completing the filling (Gap filling)
Procedure: Students listen to the song once in order to be familiar with the lyrics and rhythm. Then, teacher distributes them worksheets and wants them to fill in the blanks while they are listening to the song. They listen it again and try to complete. The lyrics of the song:
This is my table
This is my chair
This is my bag
That I take everywhere
Sit down
Stand up
One, two, three
School, school, school
For you and me…
This is my pencil
This is my pen
I use my school things again and again…
Sit down
Stand up
One, two, three
School, school, school
For you and me…
This is the window
This the door
This is the ceiling
This is the floor
Sit down
Stand up
One, two, three
School, school, school
For you and me…

Activity 2: Watching the video of song and Checking all together
Procedure: After they listen to the song, teacher shows the video of the song and they check all together what they have already written. Finally, they sing the song all together.

Material:  Song

Gap Filling Worksheet :

·         To make students produce  something
·         To develop positive attitude towards group working
·         To  study what they have learnt
·         To make them enjoy while working in group
·         To promote collaborative learning

Activity 1: Creating a new song

Procedure: Teacher divides the class into groups of four and wants them to create their own song. She reminds some classroom objects and rules to the students and emphasize they can use what they have learnt so far. For example; Pencil, Pen, Book, Chair, Bag, Window, Ruler, Open your books, Close your books, Sit down, Stand up, Listen to the teacher, Be quiet etc. She says they can use their books, notebooks or gap filling worksheet when they need.

Activity 2: Singing the song
Procedure: After they finish the creating their songs, they come to the board as a group and try to sing what they have written.

The primary english teacher’s guide -  jean Brewster and Gail Ellis with Denis Girard.
Pasifik yayınları 5 grades english book (2009-2010) Lütfi Yalçınkaya,Lamia Bağdu, Ayşe Beyhan Sazer.

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