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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Monday, May 27, 2013

5th grade, Unit 12 Health Problems, Songs

09131028 3/A
LEVEL: 5th Grade
SUBJECT: Health Problems
       Linguistic aims:
1-         To teach basic words related to illnesses. (sneezing, sorethroat, sick, dizzy, headache and etc.)
2-        To allow students to introduce with new structures of health problems.(what is wrong?, I am sick.)
3-        To provide students to practice health problems with enjoyable rhythm and repetitions. 
4-        To raise awareness by the aspects of pronunciation of new vocabularies and structures as well.
To help learners to raise positive attitude towards target culture and language making the classroom atmosphere fun and enjoyable via song and making high the motivation To let students to have self-confidence or to be in non-threatening atmosphere as singing the song as a class or in groups
1-       To raise concentration and coordination 
2-         To help learners to predict what comes next using their knowledge and rhythm of the song.
1-       To help learners to gain a social experience and develop a class or group activity 
2-        Students try to act with a cooperation singing the song and showing the actions using TPR (clapping, tapping, turning around…etc.)
1-        To enable students to make a cross-cultural comparison, because the songs include cultural elements in them 
2-         songs include cultural elements in them

WARM UP: In order to prepare the students to listen to a song about illnesses, the teacher talks about the pre-lesson. In order to make students remember the lesson, they play a guessing game. The teacher chooses a student and asks him or her act one of the illnesses. Other students try to find the illness.
PROCEDURE: The teacher make the students listen to the song twice. Then she asks them to repeat the song. They sing the song twice. While listening to the song they use their body language, gestures and mimics. If they want more they listen and sing the song.
EVALUATION: The teacher gives a worksheet. There are lyrics of the song on it, but some words are missing. The students listen to the song again and complete the missing parts.

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