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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Unit 9 Farm Life Teaching Vocabulary Activities

Dilek Yener

LESSON PLAN                                                                                                                       
LEVEL:5th Grade
SUBJECT: Farm Life (Vocabulary Teaching )
   1-Students will be able to memorize the name of the farm animals.
   2-Students will have opportunity to learn a new field of vocabulary (farm animals).
   3-Students have opportunity to use authentic language.
Beginning the lesson: The teacher enters the  class with  pictures,word stars in her hand. She sticks these pictures on the board. These pictures are about farm animals. The teacher wants to attract the students' attention to the topic and she also shows them the video. (Old Mc Donald Had a Farm/ nursery  rhymes )

Stage 1 : Understanding and Learning the Meaning of New Words
Objectives: to attract students' attention,
                    to engage the topic with their background knowledge about farm animals,
                    to stir them up with the song,
                    to help them learn the new vocabulary items with visual and audial support.
Materials: a short video and pictures.
Procedure:  After the teacher shows the pictures and introduces the topic, she shows the short video. This video includes six farm animals (duck,pig,cow,dog,cat,horse). After the students watch the video they also watch the teacher while she introduces the pictures on board.

Stage 2 : Attending to form
Objectives: Students will listen to the song and repeat if they want.
                    Students also will listen to the specific sound of the animals.
          Students will observe the written form of the farm animals on board.

     Stage 3: Vocabulary practicing, memorizing and checking activities
  The teacher gives instructions; focusing on specific vocabulary.( show me the horse, cow)
  The teacher also plays  ‘what is missing ? ‘ game in the class.The teacher asks them to look at the pictures carefully and tell them to close their eyes. Remove a picture from board. Pupils open their eyes and tell you what is missing.   

   Stage 4: Consolidating, recycling, extending, organizing, recording and personalizing        vocabulary 
Objectives:  Students will be able to enter these words into their long term memory,
                     Students will be able to personalized new vocabulary items.
Materials: word trees, collages, word stars ( students’pencils and papers, board )
The teacher hands out star shaped papers. Students write four farm animals whichever they want.

Stage 5 : Developing strategies for vocabulary learning
Students will be able to become aware of a variety of clues to help guess and predict meaning. (metacognitive strategy )
Students  will be able to use a variety of clues to help them guess and predict meaning (cognitive strategy ) ( they remind the voices of animals as a clue for them )
Materials: dictionary, internet


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