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An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Friday, April 12, 2013

5th Grade Unit 12 Health Problems Speaking Activities

09131028 3-A

UNIT 12: Health problems

GRADE: 5th

SPEAKING FOCUSES: to talk about illnesses
MATERIALS: finger puppets, a boy and a doctor puppet

 1- to improve their speaking abilities 

ACTIVITY: dialogues between the teacher and the two friends of the teacher (a puppet boy and a puppet doctor) 

 PROCEDURE: The teacher greets the students and asks them how they are and how they feel. After a small talk with the students, the teacher says to them that she has two friends for them that day.” she says.


The teacher: Jimmy, jimmy. Let’s children call Jimmy.
Children: “Jimmy, Jimmy!” and finally Jimmy comes.
Jimmy: Hi everybody, I m sorry for being late.
The teacher: Why have you been late, Jimmy?
Jimmy: I couldn’t get up, I don’t feel good.
The teacher and the students asks : “What is the matter with you?”
Jimmy: “I don’t know but I have got a cough and headache. I have got a sneezing.”
The teacher: “I am sorry for you Jimmy, and my students are also sorry for you.”
Then the teacher asks her students: “Shall we call the doctor for Jimmy? Let’s call her. Her name is Sally.”
The students and the teacher: “Sally, Sally and finally Sally comes.
Sally: “Hello everybody!”
The teacher and the students: “Hello Sally, how are you?”
Sally: “I am fine. I am happy for being with you.”
The teacher: “Thank you Sally!”
The teacher introduces “Jimmy to Sally: “Jimmy is my friend. He is ill.”
Sally asks Jimmy: “what is the matter for you?”
Jimmy: “I feel bad. I have got a cough and headache. I have got a sneezing.”
Sally: “You have got the flu, Jimmy. You should take some medicines and you should rest.”
Jimmy: “Thank you Sally!”
The teacher ends the dialogues: “Thank you for coming to my class.”
The teacher and the students: “Good bye Jimmy, good bye Sally.

ACTIVITY:  making dialogues using finger puppets.

1-      to make the language on their own
2-      giving advices using “should/shouldn’t”

PROCEDURE: The teacher wants the students to draw a puppet on their fingers. Then they will be in peers and they will come up with a dialogue about illnesses with their partners by using their finger puppets. At last the volunteers will perform in front of the classroom.

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