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Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Friday, March 29, 2013

5th grade unit 4 school life teaching speaking activities

Grade :5th
Unit:4, School Life
Languge Skill :Speaking

ü  Students will be able to develop their speaking skills
ü  Students will be  able practice their speaking with activities
ü  Students will  be able to use language in a stress-free environment
ü  Students will be able to talk freely in a meaningful context
ü  Students will be able develop their communication abilities
ü  Students will able to tell the names of different objects
ü  Students will be able to ask questions about the objects.

Materials: Flashcards on which there are pictures related to the instructions and rules, a fabric bag in which the flashcards will be,real objects such as book, notebook, pencilcase, ruler, rubber, dictionary, sharpener, pencil ,pen, boardmarker etc.


Activity 1 :Telling a rule
Teacher  puts the students standing  up in a circle and wants them to say a list of rules that everybody should obey in the canteen.Students try to tell one by one and anyone who fails to think of a new rule must sit down or disqualified.The last one standing wins.
Not :This activity can be applied  for different places and rules such as  library rules, gym rules, swimming pool rules, cinema rules etc.

Activity 2:Guessing  the class object
The teacher choices a students and gives him an object without showing  the other students.They put it in his bag and Students try to find out what   the object is by asking questions.They can use  different types of questions that they have learnt before.For example;
-Is it blue?
-ıs it small?
-Is it a sharpener?
-Yes it is.

Activity 3 :Prepare your schoolbag
Students work in pairs.One of the students help his partner to prepare his/her school bag. There are some objects on the desks and they have only two minutes.The aim of the game is to put objects according to your partner instruction.For example; She says:
-Put your  rubber in your pencil case.
-Put your pencil case into the your bag.
-Put your English books in your bag.
-Put  a bottle of water in your bag etc.
If the partner puts a different object when the time is up,the pair loses the game or the one who puts more objects  than the other wins the game,but objects should be put according to the instructions.

Activity 4:  Game with flashcards
Teacher prepares some flashcards and put them in a fabric bag.Students comes one by one and pull one of them out.She/He tries to make an imperative sentence according to the pictures.

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