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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

5th Grade Personal Possessions Pronunciation Avtivities

Lesson plan – Teaching pronunciation                  Cansel İŞLEK 10131044

Lesson:           English
Grade:            5th

Subject:          Personal possessions – Professionals and their tools

Materials:       Song (‘People work’) and lyrics

Aims:              To make the students aware of the appropriate pronunciation of the words

                        To develop the student’s accuracy in pronouncing the new vocabulary items


At first the students will listen to the song carefully. The second time they have to try to sing it together. While listening to the song and singing it they will practice the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.

Then the students will get the lyrics of the song. The names of the professions are printed in bold. They will listen to the song once again and have to focus how the words are pronounced. After listening to the song the whole class will discuss about the pronunciation of each word and will repeat them.

People work

Nigel Naylor, he’s a tailor 
He makes trousers, suits and shirts

Penny Proctor, she’s a doctor 
Comes to see you when it hurts

Peter Palmer, he’s a farmer 
He’s got cows and pigs and sheep

Wendy Witter, babysitter 
Minds the kids when they’re asleep

People work in the country
People work in the town
People work day and night
To make the world go round

Mabel Meacher, language teacher 
Teaches English, French and Greek

Gary Gummer, he’s a plumber 
Call him when you’ve got a leak

Patty Prentice, she’s a dentist
Keeps your teeth both clean and white

Ronnie Ryman, he’s a fireman
Comes when there’s a fire to fight

People work in the country
People work in the town
People work day and night
To make the world go round
People work in the country
People work in the town
People work day and night
To make the world go round


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