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Thursday, May 16, 2013

5th grade Unit 4 School Life TEACHING SONG

5th grade  Unit 4  School Life  TEACHING SONG

10131018   3-A


SUBJECT: Classroom Rules


MATERIALS: power point presentations, songs,pictures about the classroom rules,worksheet

LANGUAGE POINTS:  İmperatives about the classroom rules.

1)     Students will enjoy and motivate to learn by this way.
2)    They will perform the actions.
3)    They learn new vocabulary and sentences about rules.
4)    They will aware of their learning.


The teacher enters the class. After short conversation, she starts the lesson by mentioning about the songs. Then she shows some pictures which are about the classroom rules such as ‘sit down, stand up etc.’ And she says that she prepared a song for them as a surprise related with those rules.


-Lyrics of the Song-
Sit down Charlie Sit down now
Stand up Charlie  Stand up now
Before coming knock the door
Only knock the door
When you’ve question raise your hand
Wait the answer until end
If somebody comments on that
Quietly listen that friend.

She shows them the power point presentation including the song and some pictures about classroom rules which she produced her own. They listen it twice and at the second time they sing it alltogether also. Then she gives them lyrics of this song as worksheet and wants them to fill in the blanks.


She divides the class into 6 groups and gives each group an imperative sentence from the song. And wants these group to act these rules while singing when their turns come. For example; one group takes ‘knock the door’ and when the turn is on them, they’ll both sing and act it.

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