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Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Saturday, May 18, 2013

5th Grade Unit 3 Cities Games


09131020      3-A


Unit: 3 / Cities

Grade: 5

Grammar Points: Giving directions and prepositions

·         To motivate students
·         To encourage students’ participation
·         To learn giving direction and some basic vocabularies in order to give direction like turn left/right, go through etc.
·         To create fun atmosphere

Game 1:

            Teacher brings some materials to block students’ walking such as some stones, flowerpot etc. and students choose their peers. Then teacher closes a students’ eye in each group with scarf or something like this. She put the materials on the floor and one by one each group walks through this way. The other students, whose eyes are open, give some directions to their peers like turn left/right; go through in order to walk the walk without snagging.

Game 2:

            Teacher chooses some places in the class and puts some students in these places. She gives place names such as restaurant, hotel, shopping center, museum etc. and she gives some cards for each places. In these cards there are some place names too. Then teacher chooses a student. S/he goes to these places and s/he chooses a card then asks “Where is the ….?” according to her/his card and the other students’ answers. According to answer, student goes to the other place.

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