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Sunday, May 5, 2013

5th Grade Unit 1 Teaching Song Activities

                                                     Tayfun Atmaz
                                                      09131012 3-A
Class: 5
Unit: 1 (Countries,my country)
Language Focus: Teaching ‘Am/Is/Are’ structure in chunks via a song.
       Get attention to ‘am,is,are’ structure.
       Teaching ‘am,is,are’ structure in the chunks.
       Meeting friends and be able to introduce yourself.
      To attract student’s attention and motivate them for learning.
      To teach both song itself and the language through song as it is both enjoyable and meaningful.
      Raising student’s awareness for learning.
     To teach students word stress, sentence stress and intonation.
     Making learning enjoyable and fun.

 MATERIALS:  --------

PROCEDURE: Teacher gets into the class and greets the students.After that ;asks the students do they like listening songs,then tells them he has a very nice song that related to their subject.After that teacher sings the song.

 When  you tell me, what is your name ?
What is your name ,what is your name?
l tell you my name; my name is tayfun.

When  you tell me ,where are you from ?
Where are you from ,where are you from?
l tell you where l am from; l am from turkey.

When  you tell me ,what is your surname?
What is your surname,what is your surname?
l tell you my surname; my surname is atmaz.

When you tell me ,how old are you ?
How old are you ,how old are you?
l tell you  how old l am, l am 15 years old.

When you tell me ,what nationality are you?
What nationality are you ,what nationality are you?
l tell you what nationality l am,l am turkish.

Lets tell all together ,nice to meet you, nice to meet you.

Activities: Gap filling
Aims:    Student’s active participation.
               Students practice ‘am,is,are’structure in the chunks.
              Students will be able to introduce themselves.
             To develop their all skills in an integrated way.
              To help students develop listening habit and concentration.
              To make the lesson enjoyable and memorable
             To provide lots of natural and enjoyable repetition
             To involve students in lesson and activity.
Materials: Worksheets for gap filling.
Teacher distributes the worksheets and sings the song again. Students listen to the song and try to complete the worksheet.After that ;they sing the song all together again.
Aims: Students practice what they have learnt.
  Students work collaboratively.
 Activity: Creating a new song.

Teacher wants from the students to write a new song about meeting a new friend.Students includes ‘what is your name ? what is your surname?where are you from ? how old are you?etc in their songs.At the next class they sing their songs.

   The primary english teacher’s guide -  jean Brewster and Gail Ellis with Denis Girard.
  Pasifik yayınları 5 grades english book (2009-2010) Lütfi Yalçınkaya,Lamia Bağdu, Ayşe Beyhan Sazer.

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