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Thursday, May 2, 2013

4th Grade Unit 7 Pets Songs

09131042 3/B
Grade: 4th
Unit 7: Pets
Language Point: Names and features of pets
Materials: Song about pets,flashcards and worksheets

·         Learners are motivated thanks to song about pets.
·         Learners improve memorization skills and, they learn new vocabulary about pets and practice their vocabulary by singing song.
·         Learners learn some grammatical rules or patterns and memorize them.

Pre-listening activity
Materials: flashcards about pets
Ø  Teacher asks learners which pets they know.
Ø  Teacher asks learners questions about pets such as “Is it a cat? Do you like rabbit?” by using flashcards.
Ø  Teacher asks learners whether they know “Do you like cats?” song.

Listening and singing
Materials: Song about pets

Song: Do you like cats?
Do you like cats?
Yes, I do.                
Do you like dogs?
Yes, I do.
Do you like spiders?
No, I don’t...I don’t like spiders.
Do you like birds?
Yes, I do.
Do you like rabbits?
Yes, I do.
Do you like frogs?
No I don’t…I don’t like frogs.
Ø  Learners listen to song silently at carefully at first.
Ø  After listening, they try to sing this song together and teacher helps them by singing song loudly.
Ø  Lastly, learners try to sing this song without help of teacher.

Fill in the blanks
Materials: worksheets
Ø  Teacher asks learners to fill in the blanks with correct words they hear while listening.
Ø  While learners listen to song carefully, they try to fill in the blanks.Teacher checks learners' answers.

Create a song
Materials: -
Ø  Teacher asks learners to become groups.
Ø  Teacher asks learners to write a song about pets by using simple words. And he/she wants them to use at least three animal names. He/she encourages them.
Ø  After learners become ready, each group sings their songs.

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