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Friday, April 12, 2013

Teaching Storytelling, 5th Grade unit 3 cities

3/A 09131013



GRAMMAR POINT: Prepositions and directions and some names of place


Activity: Introducing the story and characters

Materials: posters of characters and board

Aims: - to get a general information about the story
           -to recognise the characters of the story
          -to get warm to understand the story

Procedure: Teacher brings the photos of characters in the story and sticks them on the board. There are Alvin, Simon, Theador and Dave. While teacher is sticking them, s/he writes their name under the Picture and gives a clear instruction about the story. Thus, students are ready to listen the story.


Activity: reading the story

Materials: powerpoint presentation and song which The Chipmunks said ‘http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HflFEKUzOo

            Aims: - students are able to understand the story in detail
                        -to become aware some grammar points such as prepositions and direction
                        -to learn some place names
Produce: Teacher reads the story and meanwhile, s/he shows presentation. Presentation and reading go together so that students understand clearly.

Story:                                                A NUT ISLAND

            Alvin, Simon and Theador are very sweet chipmunks which live in a far away forest happily. But,  one day a big storm comes and destroyes all trees in the forest. The Chipmunks feel very sad because their nut trees are also destroyed. Now, what will they eat? So, they decide to find nuts on the ground and Simon goes left, Alvin goes right and Theador goes straight ahead to find nuts. Many time past and many days go, but none of them can find nut. Poor chipmunks are very sorry, tired and HUNGRY. They can’t stand anymore and genius Simon remembers what their ancestor said: ‘ there is a very big nut island in the World but it is very diffucult to go there becuse you should pass many countries and cities which are very crowded with people. But there is a map which shows the way of island' Simon thinks about the place of map but can’t remember and asks his brothers. They all start to think where it can be. Finally, Theador finds the place ! but map is not here, is not in the forest; it is in the city. Sadly, they decide to go city to find map.
            Here the adventure starts… firstly, they walk many ways and pass seas and finally reach a big city which their ancestor told. The city is very complex and they are shocked becuse there are many places which they never see; schools,hospitals, libraries and greengrocers.... As they are very hungry, firstly they go to greengrocer and take some fruits. Then, they start to find but they can’t decide how and where they start. So Alvin shuts his eyes and starts to turn around himself then he opens his eyes and say:
-I open my eyes toward the North and we can start here. They go straigth ahead. While they are going, greedy Theador sees a huge nut and under it a chocolate. He is very excited and say: - I see a nut there; behind the post Office, let’s go there and eat some and may be the map is there. Alvin and Simon are also excited and run there. But, what is it? It is just a billboard. Being sorry, they return. While they are going they hear some voices coming from right and look it. People with diffrent clothes are acting. So, it is theatre.
            Altough many days past, they find nothing and lose their hope. With this hopelessness, they sit on a Wall in front of a company and starts to sing. While they are singing, a man,Dave, comes and shocked that they are singing animals. They stop and look the man. Alvin says: -we are coming from destroyed forest and looking for a map of nut Island and…weare hungry. Will you help us? Dave shocked but say :- okey, you can come to my house.
Alvin asks:- ıs your house far? he replies: - No, not far away. We will turn right and it is next to the bank.
            They go to home and eat waffles. After they thank Dave, thay ask whether he knows the Nut Island or not. Luckily, dave knows where the island is. The chipmunks are very excited and want to go immediately. But Dave says:- it is far away from here and not easy to go. You should pass many places markets, hospitals, schools and libraries. You are little animals and you can get lost and other animal like dogs can give you harm. In this time, they afraid. As David is music producer, he proposes that they will make a song for coming Chiristmas together, the chipmunks sing it. After that, David takes them to Nut Island. During this time, they can eat nuts and waffles and they can go wherever they want; cinema, concert…
10 days later, they sing a song about Chiristmas and they become famous around the city as singing animals. They start to gain much money and they can eat many nuts. They all forget the ‘nut Island’ except Simon…one ninght Simon asks – David when do you get us to island. David is very sorry because he doesn’t want them to go. He insists them to stay here. Simon and chipmunks talk about it. They all miss their land, ancestors and friends. Yes they can go and live as usual. But Alvin and Theador  want to stay here because Dave is just like their father. He take cares of them and love them. So they decide to stay here and live happily. So, the Nut Island becomes a dream…
            After finishing the story, teacher asks students whether they want listen the song that the chipmunks said and open the video and they listen the ‘Chiristmas song’.


Activity: Changing the end of the story

Aims: - to get them active in their learning
            -to make hem use their imagination
Produce: after teacher reads the story, s/he asks students whether they like it or not and evaluate the story together. And finally teacher wants students to change the end of story. s/he asks ‘What if the chipmunks choose to go the ‘Nut Island.’ s/he wants them to write a short end.

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