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Thursday, April 25, 2013

4th Grade, Unit 11 Food and Drinks Song Activities

BÜŞRA DURAN 10131503 3-B
Grade: 4th grade
Language Point: Basic vocabulary related to food and drinks such as chicken, rice, peas, chocolate cake, and juice. Also, some words like "yummy", "tummy" and structures like “I like, we love" .

The song:
Chocolate cake
“Words have rhythms
We can use our sticks and drums to tap out the rhythms of words
Let’s tap out the rhythms of a really delicious meal
Chicken rice and peas (6)
Hands up who likes chicken rice and peas
Yummy yummy yummy (repeat)
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like, chicken rice and peas

Chicken rice and peas(2)
Hands up who likes chicken rice and peas
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like, chicken rice and peas

Blackcurrant juice(6)
Hands up who likes blackcurrant juice
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Blackcurrant juice
Hands up who likes blackcurrant juice
Yummy yummy yummy
Put it in my tummy
I like, you like blackcurrant juice
We love chocolate cake!”

Aims: With this very rhythmic and enjoyable song, students will improve their listening skills and they will sing a song altogether in a motivating atmosphere.
They will be familiar with the pronunciation of words and also hear the way that certain sounds blend together like for example; the linking among the words “put-it-in my tummy
Materials: Video and computer
Procedure : The students listen to the song two times and they will be familiar with the structures and music rhythm. In the second listening, they can attend because the song is easy to remember, it has a lot of repetitions, which makes learning permanent.

Activity  : Interviewing with a questionnaire
Aims: The students will be able to practise the language they have heard in the song. They will develop their speaking skills with the” Ask your friends” activity on the worksheet.  
Materials: A worksheet
Procedure : After listening to the song, the teacher gives a worksheet to the students and explains the activity. The students are expected to do two activities by using the worksheet; the first one is writing the word under the pictures and the second one is wandering around the class and interviewing with their friends. They will fill out a questionnaire by asking and giving answers. At the end of the activity, they will share their findings.

Activity  : Creating a new song cooperatively
Aims: The students will be able to use their creativeness freely by writing a new song.
They will work in groups collaboratively.
Materials: A piece of paper and pencils
Procedure : The teacher wants the students to create a new song with their friends. The groups of 4 or 5 people are formed and the activity starts. After working and creating new songs cooperatively, they share their own songs in front of the class. 
Kahraman, Ayşe and Bahattin (2012) English 4. Grades.Semih Ofset-S.E.K Pres

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