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Participants are needed to fill out two surveys for two researches about prospective English teachers. You can find the links below, thank you.

An ideal foreign (English) teacher: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=99bad792cd3f4541a703632fbc803f30

Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Thursday, May 16, 2013

5th Grade Unit 10 Cartoon Characters

Lesson: English

Subject: Cartoon Characters

Grade: 5

Materials: Board, board marker, papers written cartoon characters features like ‘I’m grey. I like eating carrot.’ Cartoon characters pictures.

·         To teach cartoon characters’ name in fun ways
·         To motivate the students to teach English
·         To teach and remember ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ structure
·         To provide them memorize the names

Procedure: Teacher comes to class and ask whether they like playing games or not. Class must be empty or all desks are put one corner of the class. He hangs pictures on the board. Then teacher builds two groups. The teacher keeps a bag which is in full of cartoon characters features on papers. Firstly, he gets a paper and reads. But before he reads it, he puts his students in line. He reads and someone who knows the answer take the cartoon characters paper on the board. The teacher adds a plus on Group A or B which is winner. Then the student who knows the question reads description. The other student who knows the answer take’s ex-winner’s place. At the end of class duration, It will be the winner group which has more plus on the board.
For example:
One student: I’m a cat. I’m orange. I like sleeping.
A Group sts: Garfield! And he runs to take pictures on the board.
B Group sts: Garfield! And he runs, as well.
But here student who run fast and takes paper is winner.

MERVE ATAK 3-A 10131009

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