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Monday, May 13, 2013

4th Grade Uniy Family Games activities

                                                                                                          Ebru AKBALIKCI- 11131002


UNIT 3: My family

LANGUAGE: Have got / Has got

Other: Relationship between family members

1)    To make students develop their fluency and collaborate with others.
2)    To teach basic family members relationship to the students through funny and enjoyable activities.
3)    To make students gain more conscious about the language use.
4)    To make students develop their social relationship with others.
5)    To make lessons more enjoyable and fun.
6)    To make students develop linguistically, culturally and socially by involving them in the lesson.


        Flash cards.
        Names of family members such as father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother and baby.      https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2mI4xQGIBZEQVlhd3B2XzUxNVk&usp=sharing

    Activity 1

        Picture Identity Cards

  Language: describing people

 Activity instructions;

1)    Teacher comes to the class and says hello to the students.
2)     She makes them watch a video about family.
3)     She helps them remember the unit family. After that, she divides the class into two. One group selects the cards about family member. The other selects the written pages of family members. One by one from the first group tries to describe the card, and the other who has the right card stands up his/her finger, and says it. Then the two members of groups come to the board. First they stick the card and at the bottom of it, they stick the name of card.
4)     The activity goes on like that till the board is full of cards.

Activity  2

Cards and movement game

Activity instructions:

1)      Teacher explains the new game for the students.  She says that she opens the music. And while the music is playing, the students are engaged to walk in the class together with the cards which they select and their names. When the teacher stops the music, the student must stop. The teacher says one of the names of students. The student who has the card tries to explain.
2)      Then, the other who has the name of this card says the right name of family members. The activity goes on like that.
3)      They have enjoyable time and they also learn describing family members.
   Lewis,G. with Bedson, G. Games For Children, Resource books for teachers.

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