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Students' Perceptions of Plagiaris: http://www.surveey.com/SurveyStart.aspx?lang=2&surv=17077df611f6424cbdb87f418ffa6605

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Song Activity 5th Grade Unit 9 Farm Life


Lesson  : English

Grade   : 5 

Unit      : 9 Farm Life

Activity : Listening to the song and completing the filling (Gap filling activity)

The Objectives ; 
·         To get students attention
·         To develop positive attitude towards the target language
·          To warm students for the lesson
·          To make the lesson more interesting and enjoyable 
·          To change the mood of the classroom
·         To activate their schemata

         Students listen to the song once to be familiar with the lyrics and rhythm.
         Then, teacher gives them worksheets and wants them to fill in the blanks while they are listening to the song. 
         They listen it again and try to complete. The lyrics of the song:

Hi little cow how are you?
I am fine thank you
The sun is so bright
The sky is so blue.
The grass is so green.
Moo moo
Hi, little duck how are you?
I am fine thank you
What are you doing there in the lake? 
I am swimming.
Quack quack quack

Hi, little horse how are you?
I am great thank you
Would you like some good tasty hay? 
Oh , with pleasure. 
Neigh neigh

Hi, little sheep how are you? 
I am fine thank you
What are you doing here at the barn?
I am waiting for my master. 
Baa baa

Hi, little dog how are you?
Very well thank you
Whay are looking up at the roof?
The cat is sitting there
Woof woof woof


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